SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to make medication more accessible to Illinoisans, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton is leading an initiative to prohibit pharmacists from refusing to fill a written prescription.
“If your doctor writes a prescription for medication you need, you should not be refused at your local pharmacy,” said Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “All residents should be able to access their medication regardless of how the prescription is sent to the pharmacy.”
In response to the opioid epidemic, legislators in Illinois passed a law in 2021 requiring prescriptions of controlled substances to be sent electronically. However, some pharmacists are now refusing to fill non-electronic prescriptions despite exceptions to the current law. House Bill 4874 would prohibit a pharmacist from refusing to fill a paper or non-electronic prescription.
“Denying someone a prescribed medication could cost them their life,” said Glowiak Hilton. “No one should have to face unnecessary barriers to get the medication they need.”
House Bill 4874 passed the Senate Licensed Activities Committee on Wednesday and heads to the full Senate for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to bring more nurses to Illinois medical facilities, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton advanced a measure to extend the time nurses can practice while waiting for the review of their license application.
“This measure would allow our nurses to continue to work and provide the care that many people need,” said Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “By providing our nurses with the opportunity to learn and build relationships with their patients they will have a better understanding of their work environment by the end of their application process.”
House Bill 5047 would allow advanced practice registered nurses with pending applications to practice under supervision for six months while waiting for the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation’s review of their application. Under current law, this status is revoked after three months. These nurses would need to have completed at least 250 hours of continuing education in their area of certification and have at least 4,000 hours of clinical experience to be applicable for this opportunity.
SPRINGFIELD – To ensure educational resources are accessible for children who are deaf or blind, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton passed an initiative to broaden the scope of services offered at the Philip J. Rock Center and School in Glen Ellyn.
“All children, regardless of their sensory needs, deserve the opportunity to receive high-quality education and support,” said Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “By extending the services of the Philip J. Rock Center and School, we're opening doors to new opportunities for children throughout our community.”
HINSDALE – Residents are invited to join Redeemer Lutheran Church and State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton for a shred event on April 13 where they can properly recycle household items and dispose confidential documents.
“It’s vital that we prioritize the proper disposal of confidential documents and household items to protect our privacy and environment,” said Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “Join me on April 13 for our shred event, where we'll provide the resources needed for safe and confidential disposal of unwanted materials."
Glowiak Hilton is partnering with Redeemer Lutheran Church, SCARCE, Union Church of Hinsdale and Unitarian Church of Hinsdale to provide residents with these services. The free event will be held Saturday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to noon, or until the shred truck is full at the Redeemer Lutheran Church located at 139 E. First St. in Hinsdale.
The event will have shredding services for confidential documents, as well as recycling for books, bicycles, walkers, canes, hearing aids, school supplies and more.
Glowiak Hilton hosts shred events multiple times throughout the year to provide an opportunity for residents to dispose of unneeded items in a safe and discreet way.
People with questions or concerns can contact Glowiak Hilton’s office at 630-785-3177 or by visiting her website.
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